What makes up a course?

  • Quizzes at the end of each chapter

  • Certificates of completion at the end of a successfully completed course

  • Video training modules in short, easy-to-watch chapters

Table of Contents

    1. (Video) Ch. 2.1 Spiritual Basis for Preventing Harassment

    2. (Video) Ch. 2.2 Title VII, State, & Local Law

    3. (Slides) Chapter 2 Review

    1. (Video) Ch. 3.1 Managing Risks

    2. (Video) 3.2 Kinds of Litigation That May Go Forward

    3. (Video) Ch. 3.3 How Sexual Harassment Creates Liability

    4. (Video) Ch. 3.4 The Faragher-Ellerth Defense

    5. (Video) Ch. 3.5 Public Relations Risks

    6. (Slides) Chapter 3 Review

    1. (Video) Ch. 4.1 The First Amendment

    2. (Video) Ch. 4.2 Church Autonomy

    3. (Video) Ch. 4.3 Title VII Religious Exception

    4. (Video) Ch. 4.4 Ministerial Exception

    5. (Video) Ch. 4.5 Religious Freedom Restoration Act

    6. (Slides) Chapter 4 Review

    1. Explanation

    2. Quiz (What We've Learned So Far - Part 1)

    1. (Video) Ch. 5.1 Defining Sexual Harassment

    2. (Video) Ch. 5.2 Two Specific Types of Sexual Harassment

    3. (Video) Ch. 5.3 High Risk Environments for Sexual Harassment

    4. (Slides) Chapter 5 Review

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 70 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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